Auto Clicker For Mac With Pick Location

Automate mouse clicks A full-fledged autoclicker with two modes of autoclicking, at your dynamic cursor location or at a prespecified location. The maximum amounts of clicked can also be set (or left as infinite). Hotkeys work in the background for convenience.

From your Macro Script, you can Auto Click at current Mouse Cursor Location by specifying specific screen co-ordinates of X = 999 and Y = -999. Note that the given below Screenshot of Visible Action Selector displays all the Mouse Related Actions which support Automation of Mouse Actions at current Screen Location and also action execution at specific screen location identified by screen co-ordinates.

Now Clicking Automatically at Multiple Screen Locations is easy and fun with Auto Mouse Click Utility. You can Auto Click, Scroll, Move Mouse and even type as and when required easily by creating a Macro Script. Yes you can even Auto Click at fixed Screen Location numerous times or simply Auto Click at multiple Screen Locations. In order to Auto Click at Multiple Screen Locations, you need to tell the Software about the number of Mouse Clicks to do and Screen Location of every Mouse Click. Adding Mouse Clicks to the Macro Script is easy with a configurable keyboard shortcut available at the bottom of the software. To get Started, open the Auto Mouse Click Software and use the Pick Button to add 2 Left Clicks. Using the Pick Button requires you to Click on the Pick Button and then click on the desired Screen Location. This process can be repeated to add another Left Click to the Script and can be virtually used to add as many Clicks to the Script as required.

Auto Clicker For Mac


Auto Click at Current Screen Location from Macro Script

When Screen Co-ordinates are specified as X = 999 and Y = -999, the Mouse Cursor is not moved by the Macro Script and the appropriate Mouse Action is executed at current Mouse Cursor Location. Given below Mouse Actions support Mouse Automation at current Mouse Cursor Location on Screen :

Pick Location Auto Clickers

  • Left Click
  • Ctrl + Click
  • Shift + Click
  • Alt + Click
  • Ctrl + Alt + Click
  • Middle Mouse Click
  • Right Click
  • Ctrl + Right Click
  • Double Click
  • Double Right Click

For a Complete list of Mouse Actions which support Mouse Automation at Current Screen Location by specifying Screen Co-Ordinates as X = 999 and Y = -999, please do refer to the Mouse Actions for Mouse Automation post in this blog. Negative Screen Co-ordinates do exist and are available for Multiple Monitor Windows Computer when the Secondary Monitor(s) are laid out to the left of Primary Monitor in Virtual Screen Space.

Auto Clicker For Mac No Download

Auto Clicker for Windows to Click at Current Screen Location

When you want to Auto Click at Current Screen Location without writing a Macro Script, you can use Auto Clicker which supports easy management of Keyboard Shortcut Keys, Speed of Automated Clicking, etc without writing a Macro Script. The Screenshot above displays Main Screen of another Mouse Automation Software which supports flexible and easy control of Speed with the help of Timing Control.